Anagallis arvensis
Family: Primulaceae
English common name: Scarlet Pimpernel
Polish common name: Kurzyslad; Kuroslep; Kurzymor
1. Botanical description
A small plant. The stems reach 15 cm and are square and smooth.
The leaves are ovate, sharply pointed, smooth and variegated on the underside.
The flowers have a long calyx and the divisions of the corolla are violet shading into crimson red. They have delicate membranes.
The taste is slimy-sweet and quickly turns bitter.
There is no scent.
2. Origin and distribution
The plant is common to all of Europe. It often grows in rye or wheat fields and prefers a sunny position.
3. Cultivation
Seeds must be collected from wild plants and sown directly on location in autumn. No special cultivation or attention is required.
4. Harvest
All through summer. Dry in the shade in a draft.
5. Active elements
Bitterine; potassium and sodium salts; organic iron compounds; sulphur and cyclamine (very white; it paralyses the heart and has a strong, burning taste).
6. Use
The entire plant is used to make extracts. The brew relieves constipation, purifies the blood and produces profuse sweating.
Attention: Be very careful to administer the correct dosage (5 drops of the brew or extract on a lump or teaspoon of
sugar). It is mainly used for icterus (jaundice), gallstones and epilepsy. Used as a poultice on boils, it helps to mature them quickly. Boil sufficient of the plant in a linen or gauze pad large enough to cover the affected area. Bandage on.
7. Trade name
Herba anagallis arwnsis. These herbal preparation is not easily available.