Flowers and Herbs
Family: Primulaceae
English common name: Scarlet Pimpernel
Family: Malvaceae
English common name: Mallow
Polish common name: Czarna Malwa; Roza Rajska German common name: Malve
1. Botanical description
Mallow is generally known as an ornamental garden flower.
The root is thick, long, and spindle-shaped.
The stem is straight and grows from 1.5 to 2 m. It is round and covered with green-grey hairs.
The leaves come in many shapes, but are usually palmately divided. All are hairy and light green.
The flowers, which grow in the leafaxils, come in many colours, but prevalently pink. They have almost no calyx.
Family: Malvaceae
English common name: Mallow
Polish common name: Slaz Lekarski German common name: Echter Eibisch
1. Botanical description
This plant grows from 0.5 to 1.3 m.
The root is strong, white, fleshy and tart-sweet. The principal root often divides into secondary branches.
The stems are few in number, straight, round, woody at the bottom, but green at the top. They have a whitish, woolly appearance.
The leaves are heart-shaped, whitish-green and suspended from long stalks (1-5 em). They have 3-5
Family: Rosaceae
English common name: Lady's Mantle
Polish common names: Nawrotnik; Nawrotek; Lwia
German common name: Frauenmatel (Frauenmantel)
Family: Rosaceae
English common name: Agrimony Polish common name: Rzepik Pospolity German common name: Leberblumchen
Family: Araceae
English common name: Calamus; Sweet Flag
Polish common name: Kalmus, Tatarskie Ziele; Ajar;
German common name: Schilf
Family: Compo sitae
English common name: Milfoil, Common Yarrow Polish common name: Krwawnik Pospolity German common name: Schafgarbe